Award for Excellence in Adult Education 2014 Application


Any Tennessee Literacy Coalition member organization providing literacy services in Tennessee is eligible to apply, including Adult Education programs, literacy councils, volunteer literacy programs, faith-based literacy or ESL programs, or literacy program components within larger non-profit agencies. To become a member, please visit our membership page.  Organizations may re-submit the activity they submitted last year, updated to include current results and outcomes.  Organizations that have previously received the award may apply again with a new program.


The purpose of the award is to recognize achievement by Tennessee adult literacy provider organizations for the excellent work they do in our state.   One $1,000 award will be presented to the applicant organization that best demonstrates achievement in serving adult learners in Tennessee.  There is no restriction on the use of the award funds and there is no reporting required. Organizations should enter a program or initiative or new curriculum that resulted in a classroom or tutoring success, a resource development success, a volunteer mobilization success, an effective learner outreach – in short, any program or project that serves adult literacy learners and/or increases the organization’s capacity to serve adult learners, and that demonstrates excellence achieved on the part of the organization.

The program/initiative and the result(s) reported must be current – i.e., have taken place primarily in the period from July, 2012 to present.  There is no minimum timeline required, but any program submitted should have been active long enough to show clear results.  Simply complete the short application form and submit it to the Tennessee Literacy Coalition office by Friday, May 2, 2014. Our winner will be announced on Monday, June 2, 2014. If you have any questions, please call Suzanne Horne at 615-259-3700, or 800-323-6986 outside the Nashville calling area.

Evaluation Criteria

Impact/Excellence – overall quality of the program, including such factors as how well the applicant program/initiative served the target community, the presence of secondary results that enhanced the program, prospects for future continuity of program, whether program can be used as a model by other agencies.

Finance/Administration – what funding did the agency have to work with and how, if at all, did they leverage volunteers and/or local community for in-kind help?  How was success measured?

Presentation – the application should be descriptive, concise, and clearly presented.  Please follow instructions carefully and use the application form provided.


Apply Today!